Galveston Historical Foundation
Preservation U

Preservation U

Preservation U returns to #galvestonhistory with October classes on architecture, home rehabilitation, awards and more! Preservation U classes are $15 each or $10 for current GHF members and run from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. GHF members can pay for their discounted tickets at the beginning of each class.


Painting Best Practices
w/ Southwestern Paint
Sat., Sept. 14
Architectural Salvage Warehouse


Join Southwestern Paint as they discuss best practices for historic homes, materials for protection, and preservation of wood.


Sat., Oct., 26
Calvary Cemetery
2506 65th St


Learn best practices for cleaning and repairing headstone while working on monuments in Calvary Cemetery.

Protecting Historic Coastal Cities
Sat., Nov., 16
Architectural Salvage Warehouse


An overview of how historic communities in coastal environments preserve their built environments.


GHF was formed as the Galveston Historical Society in 1871 and merged with a new organization formed in 1954 as a non-profit entity devoted to historic preservation and history in Galveston County. Over the last sixty years, GHF has expanded its mission to encompass community redevelopment, historic preservation advocacy, maritime preservation, coastal resiliency and stewardship of historic properties. GHF embraces a broader vision of history and architecture that encompasses advancements in environmental and natural sciences and their intersection with historic buildings and coastal life, and conceives of history as an engaging story of individual lives and experiences on Galveston Island from the 19th century to the present day.

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