Galveston Historical Foundation
Galveston Preservation Resources

GHF Preservation Resources

Galveston Historical Foundation’s preservation staff is a wealth of information and assistance to those looking for everything from researching their historic properties to applying for historic markers. Visit our resources below and contact us with any of your preservation questions, we’re here to help!

Historic Properties and Heritage Research
The Preservation Resource Center (PRC) assists the general public in learning about Galveston’s architectural history through property research, neighborhood information, and technical rehabilitation guidance. The PRC welcomes owners and prospective owners of historic properties, newcomers to Galveston, real estate agents, contractors, students, and preservation professionals.

Our library includes maps, neighborhood surveys, insurance documents, Galveston City Directories and in some cases, specific files on building structures. We also keep a comprehensive collection of books on Galveston history, architecture, property restoration, landscaping, and other areas of interest to residents and visitors to the island. Whatever your focus, there are numerous GHF preservation resources at your disposal to draw on.


Monday – Friday
9:00am – 4:00pm



The PRC is always looking to increase its resources and welcomes donations of books, scanned historic photographs, or other materials that may be of use in research. If you are interested in making a tax-deductible donation, please contact us! GHF is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and all donations are tax-deductible.

Preservation Research Center Contact: Jami Durham, 409-765-3453.

1900 Storm Survivor Plaque Program

Commemorating the endurance of Galveston’s historic neighborhoods, GHF offers a 1900 Storm Survivor Plaque to qualified property owners.

On September 8, 1900, the most devastating recorded natural disaster in U.S. history struck Galveston Island, claiming 6,000 to 8,000 lives and destroying thousands of buildings. The plaques represent a testament to the resilience of our built history and the community of people to which it still serves. The plaques are made in durable cast bronze.

To purchase the storm survivor plaque, please complete the application available on this page. Applications are also available at GHF’s offices at 2002 Strand. A $30 application fee covers staff time to research and verify the age of the house. This fee can be waived for a property that already has an approved original “1900 Storm Survivor Plaque” application. Once GHF staff verify the age of the property, qualified applicants may then pay $200 for their plaque, plus sales tax.

Completed applications can be submitted to Galveston Historical Foundation at 2002 Strand, Galveston, TX 77550


Program Contact: Jami Durham, 409-765-3453.

Tax Incentive Consulting

Among the Galveston preservation resources that GHF offers consulting services for property owners seeking to take advantage of federal, state, and local historic preservation programs. For more information or to schedule a time to discuss your project, please contact Dwayne Jones.


Offered through the National Park Service, the federal government’s historic preservation tax incentives promote the rehabilitation of income-producing buildings. Restrictions apply, but your project qualifies you will be eligible for credit towards your federal income tax worth 10% or 20% of the total project cost.

In addition to the federal program, the new Texas Historic Preservation Tax Credit Program went into effect beginning in 2015. For owners of income-producing buildings ad who spend at least $5000 on their qualifying rehabilitation project, the state program could earn a 25% credit towards their franchise tax obligations. (Those not subject to a franchise tax are able to transfer the credit.)

Owners of historic buildings can participate in either program or in both for a potential 45% reimbursement of their project expenses through tax credits.


If you would like to have your building recognized for its historic significance, you can apply for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places, the Recorded Texas Historic Landmarks program, or the City of Galveston Landmark program. Each program has its own requirements and application process, so it is important to figure out which is best for your building. Contact GHF staff to learn about the programs.

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