Galveston Historical Foundation
Galveston Resilience Flag

The Galveston Resilience Flag

From civil engineering feats to natural disasters, the island community has proven time after time the rare ability to recover, rework, and rebuild while never losing sight of our historic roots. It’s in that spirit of shared community history that #GalvestonHistory launches The Resilience Flag.

The Galveston Resilience Flag is available in two sizes, 3′ x 5′ for $39.95 and 4′ x 6′ for $89.95. Flags have grommets at the left corners, triple stitched hems, corner cross-stitching, and are made from a weather-resistant polyester.



The Galveston Resilience Flag draws upon key pieces of Galveston’s geography and history.

  • A lone star, the central piece of the flag, not only denotes the State of Texas but draws from the Galveston City Company logo of 1838. The formation of the Galveston City Company was one of the earliest official steps of the formation of the City of Galveston.
  • The star also honors the Juneteenth flag. Juneteenth celebrates the June 19th, 1865 delivery of General Order No. 3 by General Gordon Granger, which announced the total emancipation of those held as slaves.
  • Colors featured on the flag are inspired by Victorian paint palettes and early Sanborn Insurance Maps of Galveston, with an obvious reference to the contrast between water and land.
  • The division line symbolizes both Seawall’s barrier between water and land as well as the building up of the island during the post-1900 grade-raising. It also references the unique angle and shape of the island as contrasted against the coastline.
Galveston City Company Logo
Juneteenth Flag
Galveston Sandborn Map
Galveston Resilience Flag
Galveston Grade Raising
Galveston Resilience Flag


GHF was formed as the Galveston Historical Society in 1871 and merged with a new organization formed in 1954 as a non-profit entity devoted to historic preservation and history in Galveston County. Over the last sixty years, GHF has expanded its mission to encompass community redevelopment, historic preservation advocacy, maritime preservation, coastal resiliency and stewardship of historic properties. GHF embraces a broader vision of history and architecture that encompasses advancements in environmental and natural sciences and their intersection with historic buildings and coastal life and conceives of history as an engaging story of individual lives and experiences on Galveston Island from the 19th century to the present day.

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Michele Kassahn
Michele Kassahn
4 years ago

Love the idea of the flag. We will definitely order one as soon as we get back to work!

Michael Mazoch
Michael Mazoch
4 years ago

The gird system on the eastern side of the Island is out of true NSEW alignment by a few degrees. The line on the flag fits that and the path of Seawall Blvd. The colours also look as if they have been slightly bleached by sun and surf.

For Galveston, Resistance had never been futile.

4 years ago

I picked up one yesterday afternoon and it looks awesome! Happy to support GHF and this flag.

Jaron Hall
Jaron Hall
4 years ago

That’s a beautiful flag! Very well thought out.

Reply to  Jaron Hall
2 years ago

Great design, really captures the city’s identity. Would be cool to see this all over the island. How is this not the official flag of Galveston? Have you tried presenting it to city council?

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