Galveston Historical Foundation

Entertainers & Guests : Dickens on The Strand



HER MAJESTY QUEEN VICTORIA AND HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS PRINCE ALBERT | It wouldn’t be a true event without royalty! Each year at Dickens on The Strand, Her Majesty Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, along with their court, make frequent appearances throughout the event. Be on the lookout during parades, special events, and on the streets of the event itself for your moment with the crown..

JOHN & CHRISTINA NEITZ | John Neitz has performed as the Dickens on the Strand town crier since 2010 and was appointed the Official Town Crier of the City of Minneapolis in 2004. He is escorted by his wife Christina, an accomplished historical costuming specialist. Between them, John and Christina have more than five decades of experience in historical reenactment and historically themed entertainment.
John and Christina Neitz
FATHER CHRISTMAS | Father Christmas although known by many names throughout the world has been sharing his extraordinary kindness and generosity to those in need since the 4th century. His many monikers include Père Nöel (France), St. Nicholas (Europe), Babbo Natale (Italy), Sinnterklaas (Holland), Ded Moroz or ‘Grandfather Frost’ (Russia), and Kris Kringle or Santa Claus (USA).
Father Christmas
CHARLES DICKENS | Portrayed by actor T. Stacy Hicks, Charles Dickens returns to his namesake festival for special appearances, performances, and more. Debuting in 2022, Stacy brought his unique performing talents to his portrayal of Dickens. This year’s return will include hosting the kick-off Fezziwig’s Friday, photo opportunities in our VIP area, meet and greets, and more.


POLLY OLIVIA BOYD | Polly is the great-great-great granddaughter of Charles Dickens, descended through his son Sir Henry Fielding Dickens. Polly has had a long career in book publishing in London and is now a freelance editor based in the Regency spa town of Cheltenham, in the Cotswolds. Last Christmas she participated in an event at the Charles Dickens Museum in London, performing festive readings of Dickens’ Christmas works.
OLLIE DICKENS | Oliver ‘Ollie’ Dickens is a great-great-great-grandson of Charles Dickens who lives in North London. He is a British actor who recently graduated from LAMDA, one of the finest drama training academies in the world, having previously graduated from the University of York with a BA(Hons) in Writing, Directing and Performance.
HARRY WHINNEY | Harry is an artist and a filmmaker. As a descendant of Charley Dickens, the eldest child of Charles and Catherine, Harry not only makes his festival debut in 2023 but also represents a new line of family that hasn’t visited Dickens on The Strand. Harry will be our host for the first Jubilation Ringers Handbell Concert and will join the rest of the family throughout the week for appearances.


19th Century Hands-On Cricket – Special Event
3D Art w/ Jan Riggins – Artist
Academie Musique of Central Texas – Choir
Atascocita Choir – Choir
Austin Girls’ Choir – Choir
Bay Area Christian School – Choir
Bay Area Tubadours – Musician
Bay Area Youth Singers – Choir
Beaudry Violin and Viola Studio – Musician
Belton High School Choir – Choir
The Bilge Pumps – Musician
Blue Moon Duo – Musician
Cai Circus – Variety
Christ Church Sugarland Ringers – Choir
Cirque La Vie – Juggler/Variety
Daniel Rowan – Musician
Darryl Cleveland – Juggler/Variety
Dedgar Allan Poe – Play/Performance
Dickens on The Strand Beggars – Juggler/Variety
DPAC Texas – Choir
Ellen Eckkart Dance – Performance
Emlyn Drake – Musician
Galveston Ballet – Play/Performance
Ginger Whimsy – Juggler/Variety
Galveston Men’s Chorus – Musician
Grimaldi – The World’s Greatest Victorian Clown – Juggler/Variety
Holy Family Catholic School – Juggler/Variety
Horsemen of Texas – Parade
Houston Highlanders – Musician
InToneNation Show Choir – Choir
Kantorei – Choir
Katy Vocal Express – Choir
KPHS Madrigals – Choir
Lake Belton High School Choir – Choir
Lee Family High-Wheeled Bicycles – Parade
Montgomery HS A Cappella – Choir
Musicale – McNeil High School – Choir
Music In Medicine – Musician
O’Connell Preparatory – Play/Performance
Saint Thomas Episcopal – Musician
Silverlynx – Choir
Singlestick – Play/Performance
Sky Kings Falconry – Special Event
Susan Just – Musician
Syncope – Choir
The Traveling Pianist – Musician
TriTone Trio – Musician
Victorian Fencing Society – Play/Performance
XP Houston Scavenger Hunt – Play/Performance

Applications are open for the 2024 Dickens on The Strand! Please submit your information for placement on our standby list for this year’s event.

    Performer / Group Name (required)

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    Total Performance Fee (required) - If Performance Is Complimentary, Please Type 'COMP'

    Performance Description (required) - Please Include Any On-Site Needs

    Number of Performers (required)

    Do you Require Overnight Lodging? (required)

    Estimated Length of Set | Including Set-Up and Strike-Down (required)

    Performance Location (required)

    Please specify which timeframes are preferred for performances. Mark all that apply.

    Total number of performances per day (required)

    What parades will you participate in? (required) Mark all that apply.

    Please List any Websites, Social Media Accounts, or Hashtags to Your Act or Performance

    PLEASE NOTE: Tickets are non-refundable. The festival is open, rain or shine. GHF is not responsible for independent transactions between visitors and vendors. We are committed to making Dickens on The Strand special needs accessible. If we can assist with arrangements, please contact us at 409-765-7834 before your visit.

    Pets and ice chests are not allowed. Scooters, skateboards, rollerblades, skates, Segways, and other recreational “wheels” are forbidden. Guests bringing costume weapons and props must have them secured and be asked to undergo additional screening.

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